( Pilotage, Harbour Towage And Mooring Services Request And Undertaking Information Entry )
TALEP EDİLEN HİZMET ( Requested Service )
GEMİNİN (Ship's Informations)
Gemi Adı / Vessel Name
IMO Numarası / IMO No
Bayrağı / Flag
Gros Ton / Gross Tonnage
 1969 İnt.Convention of Tonnage konvansiyole göre ölçülmüş ve tonilato belgesindeki en büyük GT yazılacak.  ( Measured According to the 1969 towage convention , the biggest GT int the tonnage certificate, will ve writtent)
Çağrı İşareti / Call Sign:
Yeni İnşa İçin / Design Gross
Geldiği Liman / Departure Port
Gittiği Liman / Destination Port
Tam Boyu / LOA
 Tam Boyu 200 mtr büyük veya Gemi Cinsi Tanker ise Baş/Kıç itici indirim uygulanmaz.  (Bow and stern thruser disrounts are not applied if the LOA is bigger than 200mtr or/and if it is a ship type tanker.)
Kalıp Genişlik / Beam
 DRAFTLAR (Draughts)
Baş / Fwd
Kıç / Aft
MAKİNE DURUMU (Engine Condition)
Makine Çalışıyor / Engine Good Working
Gemi Cinsi / Ships Type
 Geminin Register Sertifikası(Tasdiknamede) Belirtilen Cinsi Yazılacak.  (The type of the ship specified in the registration certificate shell be written)
Bow Thruster Çalışıyor / Bow Thruster Working
Stern Thruster Çalışıyor/Stern Thruster Working
Yük Cinsi / Cargo Type
Yükün IMDG Kodu / Cargo IMDG Code
GasFree Rapor / Gas Free Report
Varsa GasFree Raporunuzu Ekleyiniz
 GASFREE SERTIFIKASI'nın hizmete başlamadan en fazla 24 saat öncesi idarece yetkili kuruluşlardan alınmış olması gerekmektedir.
(The GASFREE CERTIFICATE must be obtained from to institutions autharized by the adminstration at more 24 hours before the start of the serviceç)
 TEHLİKELİ YÜK DURUMU (Dangerous Cargo Details)
Tehlikeli Yük / Dangerous Cargo - YANAŞMA (Berthing)
Tehlikeli Yük / Dangerous Cargo - KALKIŞ (Unberthing)
 KONTEYNER (Container)
 KABOTAJ HATTI (Cabotage Line)
YANAŞMA / Berthing
KALKIŞ / Unberthing
Adı / Name
Adresi / Address
Telefon/Fax - Phone/Fax
E-Posta / E-mail
Vergi Numarası / Vat No
Vergi Dairesi / Tax Department
EVRAĞI DOLDURAN KİŞİNİN  (The Person Fillling Out The Information)
Adı ve Soyadı / Name and Surname
Ünvanı / Company Name
Telefon/Fax - Phone/Fax
E-Posta / E-mail
Vergi Numarası / VAT No
Vergi Dairesi / Tax Departmant
BEYAN (Declaration)
Pilot Mevkii / Pilot Position
Tarih / Date
 Saat / Hour
 Yanaşılacak Liman Tesisi / Port Facilities
We will make the ship ready in all respects for the performance of these services, the ship's captain/owner, the provisions of your company's service schedule that must be applied within the framework of the current legislation, the ports regulation and other regulations, instructions and the application of the legislation, the UK Standard Towing Services and Other Services of pilotage/tugboat/mooring. We will inform you that it will be provided under the terms of the Services (U.K. Standard Conditions for Towage and Other Services are Revised 1986-Amended 2008), to pay the pilotage, tugboat and mooring services fees invoiced for the services provided by your company, independently of any debt or debt-creating relationship with third parties, and We will not suspend or fulfill our service requests as an agency in case the due invoice debts related to the various services provided are not paid, that we will not change the invoice address after your company has been invoiced for the services mentioned in this request, that we will not act in violation of the obligations imposed by the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, and with the information declared above. We irrevocably accept that all the information and documents sent in the attachment of the request are correct, otherwise all responsibilities belong to us, and we undertake that we will not act inconsistently, otherwise we will immediately indemnify all damages and losses of Marin Tug and Pilotage Inc.
ACENTA NOTU  (Agent Remark)